Landmine Free 2025 is a campaign to eliminate the terrible impact of landmines from people’s lives and fulfil the promise of the 1997 Ottawa Mine Ban Treaty. Ó£ÌÒɬ is working with other humanitarian mine action organisations, donor governments and private supporters, calling for all nations to renew their commitment to the Mine Ban Treaty and unite for a Landmine Free 2025.Ìý

Princess Diana on minefield, Ó£ÌÒɬ Trust

Princess Diana’s iconic walk through a Ó£ÌÒɬ minefield in Angola in 1997 catapulted the landmine issue to prominence. Later that year, 122 countries came together to sign the Ottawa Treaty, banning the use of anti-personnel mines.ÌýÌý

Two decades on, much has been achieved—almost 30 countries have been declared mineÌýfree,Ìýincluding Mozambique, once one of the most mined countries in the world.ÌýÌý

Countless lives have been saved and communities rebuilt, butÌýlandmines continue to kill and maim.ÌýIn Cambodia alone, 11 people wereÌýkilledÌýand dozens injured by landmines in the first half of 2019.Ìý

Landmine Free 2025Ìýis anÌýambitious vision but,Ìýwith the right resolve and fundingÌýitÌýcanÌýbe achieved. Prince Harry has pledged his support for Landmine Free 2025,Ìýto end the terrible suffering caused by landmines.Ìý
Join us for aÌýmine free world.ÌýÌý

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